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Our Best Experts

With over 80 different styles of hardwood flooring products, three shipping locations, and an elite class customer support team, LA flooring now offers exclusive distribution territories in selected areas. Join our fast growing company!

Kenu Reeves

Kenu Reeves

Marbal Cutter Expert

kenu reves has worked in Marble Cutting and for over 20 years. She has used her extensive business background and education to act as a marble cutting expert for LA flooring.

Chirs Benaite

Chirs Benaite

Marbal Cutter Expert

kenu reves has worked in Marble Cutting and for over 20 years. She has used her extensive business background and education to act as a marble cutting expert for LA flooring.

Marie Johnson

Marie Johnson

Marbal Cutter Expert

kenu reves has worked in Marble Cutting and for over 20 years. She has used her extensive business background and education to act as a marble cutting expert for LA flooring.

Kenu Reeves

Kenu Reeves

Marbal Cutter Expert

kenu reves has worked in Marble Cutting and for over 20 years. She has used her extensive business background and education to act as a marble cutting expert for LA flooring.

Kenu Reeves

Kenu Reeves

Marbal Cutter Expert

kenu reves has worked in Marble Cutting and for over 20 years. She has used her extensive business background and education to act as a marble cutting expert for LA flooring.

Chirs Benaite

Chirs Benaite

Marbal Cutter Expert

kenu reves has worked in Marble Cutting and for over 20 years. She has used her extensive business background and education to act as a marble cutting expert for LA flooring.

Marie Johnson

Marie Johnson

Marbal Cutter Expert

kenu reves has worked in Marble Cutting and for over 20 years. She has used her extensive business background and education to act as a marble cutting expert for LA flooring.

Kenu Reeves

Kenu Reeves

Marbal Cutter Expert

kenu reves has worked in Marble Cutting and for over 20 years. She has used her extensive business background and education to act as a marble cutting expert for LA flooring.

An exceptional team

Our entire team is comprised of artisans, craftsmen and client care specialists who have a wealth of experience creating truly stunning wide plank floors and treating our clients with the respect and care they deserve. Most of this dedicated team has been there from the beginning.

With the knowledge gained from running a successful business and working hand-in-hand with some of the most respected names in the business, Jim sold his first company and opened Woodwrights Wide Plank Flooring with the goal of creating the finest flooring in the country and backing it up with a client care experience that is second to none.



Reach out today and tell us about your business need. We make it
our mission to respond to all inquiries in less than 24 hours.