Enjoy your new floors!
At LA, we stand behind the craftsmanship of every installation and we guarantee our work. Below you’ll find the flooring warranties that we offer for our stone, tile, hardwood, laminate, vinyl and carpet installations.
Our stone and tile flooring carries a full 12-month warranty from the date of installation completion.
LA craftmanship is unparalleled, and we guarantee the quality of every install. If any defects or faulty workmanship should occur, LA will correct the issue at no expense to the buyer. Though we work with the best materials, defects do occasionally happen; all product defects are covered by the respective manufacturer’s warranties. Our LA warranty covers only the work performed during installation. LA cannot be responsible for damaged caused by abuse, neglect, improper cleaning agents, or by loose lay installation.
Your stone and tile installation warranty covers labor costs for repairs up to one year from the date of completion. Types of labor covered include: repair of gap seams, repair of transitional moldings, removal of air bubbles and loose grout. LA cannot be responsible for damage caused from abuse, floods, improper maintenance or foundation settling.
Our hardwood flooring carries a full 12-month warranty from the date of installation completion. LA craftmanship is unparalleled, and we guarantee the quality of every install. If any defects or faulty workmanship should occur, LA will correct the issue at no expense to the buyer. Though we work with the best materials, defects do occasionally happen; all product defects are covered by the respective manufacturer’s warranties. Our LA warranty covers only the work performed during installation. LA cannot be responsible for damaged caused by abuse, neglect, improper cleaning agents, or by loose lay installation.
Your hardwood installation warranty covers labor costs for repairs up to one year from the date of completion. Types of labor covered include: repair of gap seams, repair of transitional moldings, removal of air bubbles and loose grout. LA cannot be responsible for damage or scratches caused from water, humidity, insects, pets, shoes, abuse, neglect, insufficient protection, improper maintenance, or failure to follow written instructions. We can also not guarantee against fading from sunlight exposure: over time, natural sun will alter the color of any hardwood flooring.
Because hardwood is an organic material, your floors will shrink or expand over the course of their lifespan depending on season, temperature, humidity and heating conditions. Due to this, small gaps may occur even with proper installation. This is normal for hardwoods and is not covered by your LA warranty.
Our laminate and vinyl floors carry a full 12-month warranty from the date of installation completion.
LA craftmanship is unparalleled, and we guarantee the quality of every install. If any defects or faulty workmanship should occur, LA will correct the issue at no expense to the buyer. Though we work with the best materials, defects do occasionally happen; all product defects are covered by the respective manufacturer’s warranties. Our LA warranty covers only the work performed during installation. LA cannot be responsible for damaged caused by abuse, neglect, improper cleaning agents, or by loose lay installation.
Your laminate or vinyl installation warranty covers labor costs for repairs up to one year from the date of completion. Types of labor covered include: repair of gap seams, repair of transitional moldings, removal of air bubbles and fade protection. LA cannot be responsible for damage or scratches caused from water, humidity, abuse, neglect, improper maintenance, or failure to follow written instructions.
Our carpet carries a full 12-month warranty from the date of installation completion.
LA craftmanship is unparalleled, and we guarantee the quality of every install. If any defects or faulty workmanship should occur, LA will correct the issue at no expense to the buyer. Though we work with the best materials, defects do occasionally happen; all product defects are covered by the respective manufacturer’s warranties. Our LA warranty covers only the work performed during installation. LA cannot be responsible for damaged caused by abuse, neglect, improper cleaning agents, flooding or foundation settling.
Your carpet installation warranty covers labor costs for repairs up to one year from the date of completion. Types of labor covered include: seam repair in case of gaps, ravels or fraying, re-stretching of carpet, and repair of transitional moldings. LA cannot be responsible for damage or scratches caused from water, abuse, neglect, or improper maintenance.
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